
Download over 20,000 Games for MegaDrive, SuperNintendo, PlayStation and more

There are more 23GB of content!

Download more than 20,000 Games for MegaDrive, SuperNintendo, PlayStation and others

In the previous post to this one we show how you can play games from almost all consoles : Play Retro Games on Linux with Mednafen

And now we are back with more good news!

There are over 20,000 games separated into 23GB of content. You don’t necessarily need to download everything, you can right-click on the game you want and select: DownloadStandard download.

Also because there must be some that you don’t like. But it is better than staying: waiting for those counts (waiting time), typing captcha, bla bla bla.

To access all the content just click this link!

The content is separated by console and even has emulators, in case you need it, as in the image below!

It's a hell of a game !!

Run because you’re at, the FBI decides to delete it again! 😃


games download

