
How to reset the MySQL root user password when it can not log in

How to reset the MySQL root user password when it can not log in

When you forgot the mysql root password and can not log in to change the password.

Use sudo or root

  • You must first stop the mysql server
systemctl stop mysqld.service # systemd
rc-service mysql stop # openrc
  • Then you need to start the server in safe mode

    While running, DO NOT press control- {c, d, z}

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
  • Now, open a new tab in the terminal, or a new terminal and enter MySQL
mysql -u root
  • And then change the MySQL root password
mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('password') WHERE User='root';
  • Okay, now just restart the MySQL server and login with the new password you used.

    After giving Ctrl + Z on the previous tab and kill the process, or simple exit and close the corresponding terminal or tab.

systemctl start mysqld.service # systemd
rc-update start mysqld.service # openrc
# Now login, normal user or root user
mysql -u root -p



