
Install Veonim - A text editor based on Vim and NeoVim

Veonim is a simple modal IDE built with Neovim and VSCode extensions.

Install Veonim - A text editor based on Vim and NeoVim

Veonim is a simple modal IDE built with Neovim and VSCode extensions. The goal is to create my ideal programming environment.


  • Support for VSCode extensions (work in progress, but can be tested today at 0.22.0+)
  • Aims to be 100% compatible with Neovim
  • All vimrc configuration with vimscript/Lua/remote plugins
  • All Veonim features are accepted. Use as many or as few IDE resources as you want and customize your workflow.
  • Fuzzy search files, buffers, buffer text, project text search (powered by ripgrep)
  • Multiple simultaneous instances of Neovim (such as tmux sessions)
  • Fully keyboard driven (no mouse support)
  • But wait, there’s more! See the User’s Guide.

Putting Veonim to work

First you will need to have nodejs, npm and Git installed on your system, examples:

emerge nodejs git # Gentoo, Funtoo, ...
sudo apt install nodejs npm git # Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, ...
sudo pacman -S nodejs npm git # Arch, Manjaro, ...
sudo dnf install nodejs npm git # Fedora

After this it is necessary to clone Veonim

git clone

Next step is to enter directory and install dependencies via npm

cd veonim/
npm i

Okay, now you can run Veonim, but this is not the most recommended way to use, and being too slow, the settings you set will be lost. This procedure is just to see if everything is right.

npm start

Installing on your system

Still inside the Veonim directory, run the command:

npm run build

Now let’s build his binary:

If you want, first test with the command: npm run start:release

npm run package

The binary will be ready in the directory: ./dist/ . So let’s install it in a system directory:

sudo install dist/veonim*.AppImage /usr/local/bin/veonim

Now let’s make it visible to Dashboard and Launcher, run the commands:

Setting the default software icon

sudo cp art/icon.png /usr/share/pixmaps/veonim.png

And we create the call file:

echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=VeoNim\nIcon=veonim\nTerminal=false\nExec=veonim\nCategories=Development;" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/applications/veonim.desktop

Now just look for Veonim in Dash, Laucher, or run via terminal to open it:


Install Veonim - A text editor based on Vim and NeoVim

Using Veonim

  • Set font size (Example if it’s Fantasque): set guifont=SF\ FantasqueSansMono-Regular:h16
  • Use file explorer: :Veonim explorer
  • Using Fuzzer file finder: :Veonim files

And many more commands and tips you can find on Veonim’s GitHub homepage:

Also see the user guide for using your personal settings:


veonim vim neovim

